Wednesday, 23 April 2014

double exposure examples

I chose these photos because of the simplicity and dreamlike quality they have. they create beautiful illusions in everyday scenery which is a quality i admire in photos. the use of coloring and detail is very extensive and beautiful and just brings the photo together.

Friday, 11 April 2014

Bubble Gum Hurts The Environment

Bubble gum hurts the environment
Bubble gum, a sticky, chewy, and messy, situation. From animal testing to harmful ingredients and an abundance of waste and litter. Having chewed gum,stepped on gum, had gum stick to my clothes and hair, I chose gum because it is a nuisance to me but i found out so much more hazardous things about it. Artificial sweeteners and BHT are just a few ingredients in gum that are highly toxic for humans and the environment. They are known to cause organ failure and cancer. Gum also contains “Carpenter’s glue” and a mild bleach and whitening system are also in most gum bases and are linked to a formula poisoning leading to many deaths of young children in china (over75).  Gum is stuck under desks and on the ground and on buildings and on monuments, when it rains or becomes extremely warm the gum seeps these harmful chemicals into the ground, the water, and can accumulate in the systems of animals, plants and humans. Many animal extracts such as gelatin are used in the making of gum and also red carmine is added to some gum colorings  which is made of the extract of beetles. I am not telling you not to chew gum but looking at ingredients and where its made. and choosing an organic or not buying sugar- free gum dramatically helps this situation.  I hope this has enlightened you on the sticky mess that is gum.

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Cindy Sherman Photography


Cindy's style is taking photos of herself and incorpotating her face into other photos she has taken.
I personaly find these photos weird and don't really like them.

5 Aperture Examples

Medium Depth of field

Small Depth of field
 Weird lighting style
 Long Depth of field
Ambiant Lighting

Paul Nicklen Photography

Paul Nicklen is well known for his pictures of arctic life and landscape. His work with polar animals shows them in their natural environments. Paul is an activist against global warming and takes the photos to premote awareness of their shrinking habitat.
I like Paul's photos, i think they are realistic and beautiful.